About This Corner |
This corner is to support trainees from abroad who are delegated based on the programs of Kanagawa prefecture and JICA.
In case of Kanagawa prefecture, JECK selects and recommends candidates, then if they pass the examintion, JECK supports them from the points
of stay and study.
In case of JICA, Technical Training Program is a form of the Technical Coopration, which is important program in addition to overseas dispatch program.
Japan accepts a total of over 10,000 technical training participants (trainees) in a year and out of them more than 600 trainees participate
in Kanagawa and Yamanashi. Since the program adopts participation type of projects to enhance ownership of developing countries, inhabitants
of the territory take part in planning, management and assessment. Therefore, the opinions and observations of trainees are much valuable
because they have come from about 60 countries and experienced a variety of the projects.
This Corner provides community between JECK members and trainees by its own network. It can contribute to supports for trainees and developments of new projects with wide range of members' expertises. Furthermore, anybody can join the community who shares interests and expects supports of JECK experts, for instance, assistance for overseas business of small to medium sized companies.
JECK carries out the following activities.
(1)JECK promotes the mutual understanding between JECK members and trainees through presentation and communication in training course.
(2)JECK provides the following corners to make internet community and follow up trainees.
① JECK Topics: Major news regarding JECK, JICA Yokohama and Kanagawa prefecture are described.
② Members' page: Experiences and observations which JECK members have obtained in the world are introduced. Various know-hows and
knowledges of them can be shared by participants. Please send your paper (0.5~1 page of A4 size in English) to
③ Trainees' page: Impressions and opinions of trainees are described with regard to either of training course or others. Even though they
return to home countries, these information is still effective and continues to be enriched in the community.
④ JECK Worldwide Network: By utilizing group service of FB (Face Book), all participants can enjoy infomation transmission
and exchange freely. In order to utilize this servise, participant must create account in FB. Please refer to
FB account creation & use.
(3) JECK's expertized members support trainees in the community not only during training course but also after back to home countries.
(4) JECK promotes developments of new projects and assistances for overseas business by using pin-point connection in the country and in the industry.