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As it is the coming of Autumn, we congratulate your good health. The application for NPO Corporation was authentificated by Civic Affairs Bureau of Yokohama City on 9/2/2019. And, JECK decided to transfer to NPO Corporation on 10/1/2019 then started the preparation for the whole transfer (business, members, assets, etc). New NPO Corporation JECK covers new business like Specified non-profit activities in addition to the previous ones. Accordingly, we can participate in JICA's International Cooperation business such as Grassroots activities on the basis of social credibility. In response to these situation, the first candidate was proposed which was very promising. Anyway, we expect JECK members, old ones and new 10 ones who entered for these 2 years, by utilizing their own knowledges, experinces, and connections to contribute to the development of JECK. If you have any questions and requests, please contact executive director or myself. Best Regards,
The party for 4 technical trainees accepted by Kanagawa Prefecture was held on 9/28/2019 (A Chinese trainee did not attend because of arrival dely).
Ms. Koizumi and Mr. Ishiguro took part in it. International Affairs Division, Japan Overseas Cooperative Association, hosting bodies
(JECK is one of them) joined and had a cozy party.
The meeting was heled on 4/27/2019 at JICA Yokohama Center with attendance of 20 JECK members.
Agendas are as follows.
Proposition No.1 Activity report of 2018
Proposition N0.2 Financial report of 2018
Proposition No.3 Activity plan of 2019
Proposition No.4 Financial plan of 2019
Proposition No.5 Re-election of officers in 2019~2020
Proposition No.6 Partial revision of JECK rule
After the meeting, anniversary party was started.
The seminor was held at JICA Yokohama Center, which was chaired by Mr. Kato (Member of JECK). Mr. Uchikura (Vice Director of JECK) and Ms. Kumagai (President of JICA Yokohama) had greeting speeches. Then Ms. Inamo (anti-aging planner) talked about [Foods and excercise to extend healthy life span] and explained average and healthy life span, fitness of Japan and world, life-related decease, alcohol drink, nutrition and food life, sport habit. After the lecture, participants enjoyed practices and reluxed body and muscle, then dinner parties.
The forum was held in August at JICA Yokohama Center. Mr. Ishigame (Manager of JICA Yokohama Center), Mr. Yamazaki (Professor of Yokohama National University), Ms.Suginohara (Associate Professor of Ferris University), Mr. Isokawa (Chief Director of Yokohama Aoba International Rounge) attended as the guests. In addtion, JECK members presented some plans to prompt the activities and new projects, and introduction to Initiative for Development of Entrepreneurship in Asia. And then, aggressive and fruitfull discussions were exchanged among participants.
The course was entrusted by Kanto Gakuin Universuty, whose title was "on the spot of international cooperation".
It was composed by the following 15 sessions, and gatherd 170 students.
(1) Current status of developing countries and ODA (Official Development Assistance)
(2) International cooperation in Marine products
(3) International cooperation in earth environment of developing countries
(4) International cooperation for manufacturing using Japanese technical potential
(5) International cooperation in environment centering on industrial wastes in Indonasia
(6) Experiences in Middle East Jordan, water is a national life.
(7) International cooperation education for scientific Japanese and safety management of chemical materials
(8) Introduction of Toyota's quality management to hpspital administration
(9) Challenges of teachers and students for international cooperation
(10) Current status and transition of international cooperation in hospital project (to bridge untolerated medical (economical) gap)
(11) Consideration of occupation and economical activity in Middle East
(12) International cooperation to guard pharmaceuticals safety
(13) Progress of developing country and current status regarding ODA -in view of current situation in Pacific and Africa -
(14) Management enhancement of small to medium companies by centering on financial management
(15) Supports for migration to market oriented economy of private company in central Asia based on program of
EBRD(European Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
This course is the same to those of Yokohama National University and Ferris University, which were held in 2018 and before.
It was held with attendance of Mr. Tonokawa, Vice President of JICA Yokohama Center on April. Business report, account statement of 2017 and business plan,
budjet of 2018 were presented then approved. After that, Mr. Nakanosono, Chief Director of JECKA reported on activity.
It was held at Yokohama National University on 2018 January. Mr Hasebe (President of Yokohama National University) presented key note speech whose title
"environmental inter-industry relations analysis between Japan and Asia, and subjects regarding international cooperation of Japan". Subsequently, panel discussion
was performed by Ms. Asakuma (Chief Director of JICA Yokohama Center), Mr. Koike (Professor of Yokohama National University), Mr.Yamazaki (Professor of
Yokohama National University), Mr. Yamamoto (Associate Professor of Kanto Gakuin University) and Mr. Wakabayashi (Honorary professor of Tokai University, JECK member).
English conversation school
JECK openes English Coversation School at Yokohama citizens empowerment center once a week in order to promote international cooperation in Kanagawa by inviting
Ms. Hagiwara as a teacher to introduce "Yonezawa method" which uses full of five senses and mainly focuses on listening and talking. The school will be extended
to other areas in Kanagawa. Please talk to freinds and neighbors of you to come together.
[1] Yokohama International Forum 2019
JECK took part in the forum which is sponsored by Forum Project (composed by Yokohama NGO Network, JICA Yokohama, YOKE and Kanagawa University). JECK presented
"the lives in dispathed posts of JECK members", Saudi Arabia by Mr. Fukuda (Chief Director of JECK) and Latin America by Mr. Kimura (member of JECK).
[2] Annual general meeting 2018 of KIP
KIP (Kanagawa Industrial Promotion Center) is a public organizaiton to support and promote small and midium sized business in Kanagawa, of which JECK is a member.
Next to reports concerning business and finance in 2018 and plans in 2019, Mr. Kuroiwa, Govener of Kanagawa had a presentation whose title is "Development of
health and presymptomatic disease, and ecomic exchanges for Vietnam".